Saturday, March 31, 2007

Etsy finds for 31sth March I love Etsy's time machine 2. Not just the recently listed section, but the sold section is simply fantastic! I have found the most beautiful items and great new (to me) sellers. This morning i found a lovely coin purse in the shape of a boot, sold of course! I rushed to the seller's shop (Studio X-tine) and found an even prettier version of the one that was sold...lucky me! Admire my latest purchase: Here are a few other lovely creations from Time machine 2 - Sold: By paraphernalia By Tenlittlefingers By Elsiecake By 1ofmykind

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

I'm featured on my indie jewelry! I've been featured on my indie jewelry, a beautiful blog by talented jewellery artist Bombalurina. Please visit her blog and keep and eye on it because she's going to feature many more artists! And then you must visit her etsy shop because she has the most gorgeous and unique vintage jewellery designs... you don't want to miss this!

Monday, March 26, 2007

Photo Booth Beauties : my newest bag
I miss making bags! I did so much jewellery lately and i'm getting bored of it now, so it was time to bring the bags out and do something new. If i say i have alot of bags...then i really do have a lot of bags. I think i'm close to 50 vintage bags waiting for a makeover and i have 30 or so new, custom made ones ( granny style) coming over in a few weeks! And last saturday i bought six beautiful vintage bags at a Retro Day , i should really stop buying now...i think. Here's my latest creation: a white vintage bag, painted pale teal and pale bronze with vintage photo booth pictures. I really like the lock button, it's automatic...that must have been really modern in those days! I love the distressed and faded look and i think it goes well with the theme and style of the bag.

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Etsy Finds for 24th March If you've been reading my blog, you must know that i like crazy colourful bags! Here are a few bags that i found on my Etsy treasure hunt of today: FrolickingInk annalinnjace dollybags cindyhoose maxineorange

Monday, March 19, 2007

This is the jacket i've been working on....a before and after or how a boring beige jacket can look completely different if you have have a lot of patience and paint. More pictures at

Friday, March 16, 2007

Another polymer clay experiment Time for another experiment! I think i figured out how to do a black and white transfer using white spirit, but i love using colours in my designs so i had to find a new technique, since i don't have a colour laser printer. I tried the soap-water-turpentine didn't work. I tried the iron-on didn't work. Atleast not with my iron-on paper! ... So, what does work for coloured transfers? I baked the clay first and then used gel medium to get my image onto the clay. A layer of gel medium on the clay, and a layer of gel on top of the image and then i put the piece back into the oven ( oven switched off ). Then i used a glitter gel (this one is for fabric but it works well with clay too) for some extra effect on the edges and the back and finished it off with a coat of clear voilà: my own digital art on pair of earrings!

Friday, March 09, 2007

Etsy Finds for 9th March Look at these fresh finds! It's springtime for your ears!
Limaid fruity glass and bali silver earrings by Artsy
Berry delightful earrings by Foliage
Hammered - Tangerine Swirl by brooklynbutterfly
Fresh Squeezed Lemon Drop Earrings by BlueThimble
Cherries earrings by aevalillithjewelry

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

A first try at polymer clay.
After resin...comes polymer clay! I was looking for new transfer techniques to try out and stumbled upon a page about image transfer on polymer clay... and of course i had to try it myself. I ordered two blocks of fimo and they arrived yesterday. These two pendants are my first experiments. I've used the white spirit technique before, on fabric, but it's great for polymer too.


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