Monday, April 27, 2009

TTV - Abandoned Boudoir
It's been a while since my last experiments with ttv photography. Through the viewfinder photos are shot with a (digital) camera through the viewfinder of a vintage camera. The shape of the viewfinder and the dust and dirt it has collected through the years add a magical and surreal effect to these photos. Last sunday I bought a vintage conway camera (again at a car boot sale!) for just 4 £. I struggled a bit to make a contraption to keep my digital camera focused on top of the conway, so by the time I was ready it was dark outside. I then tried to shoot a pictures inside the flat and this is the creepy result. Now tell me, would you think these photos were taken in a brand new home in 2009...or rather a century ago in an abandoned boudoir filled with ghosts?


Audrey said...

That's lovely!! Great pictures.

Alice Potter said...

That's an amzing experiment! The effect is great. I look forward to seeing more!

Cathe Holden said...

VERY cool!

MagicMarkingsArt said...

how awesome...these are really very cool. you are going to have so much fun with that camera, hope to see more results!

Unknown said...

I just had to comment b/c I have a kitten named Mish! Neat photos, btw!

Bianca said...

Oooh love them! Totally a boudoir filled with ghosts. I recently got a vintage camera as well to try TTV for the first time. But I need a macro adapter first. Thanks for the inspiration!

Leslie said...

That looks so cool, im jealous you have a camera like that!

Art by Trina said...

I am a devout TTVer and these are great!

Eadaoin said...

oh they are rather spooky looking! it's cool though :) i love TTV, i'm hoping to get a vintage camera at christmas so i can build a contraption and start doing my own TTV shots, i'm really looking forward to it!

Anonymous said...

I need that camera!!!!


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