Nearly a month ago I showed you a picture my worktable and today I am happy to say that the bag I was working on, together with two other bags, are now for sale at Qetty Bang Bang Boutique in Tetbury. This is one first big step I've taken since I've moved to the UK, and it feels good!
I am feeling motivated and therefore I have something new on my work table today. This time I am working with another favourite theme of mine, the photo booth beauties. I rediscovered a few boxes in the back of my storage, full with beautiful trims and fabrics. A few of them handmade my grandma, others given to me by the daughter of a belgian seamstress who tried her luck as a designer in America in the early sixties. And more unique pieces picked up in thriftstores, bazaar shops and other unusual places. I am giving each photo booth picture a different trim... it's almost like a photoframe collection on handbag instead of on a wall!